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You have arrived at the website of the project “The Ethnic History of Estonian Peoples in the light of new research” (EKKD12). At the centre of the project are the core questions of humanities – who are we and where do we come from – to which we aim to answer here at least in part. The answers rely on the newest scientific research on the development of the Estonian nation and have been born out of the cooperation between experts of various fields. For the first time, research findings in archaeology, history, genetics, linguistics, folkloristics, ethnology, geology and geography have been compiled together, which enables the drawing of more precise and diverse conclusions and generalisations to understand the processes that influenced and keep on influencing the development of the Estonian nation from the arrival of the first inhabitants up to the rapid changes of the 21st century.

The project is funded by the national programme “The Estonian Language and Culture in the Digital Age (EKKD)”.


Aivar Kriiska

Professor of Laboratory Archaeology, University of Tartu. Scientific work.

Articles (2)

Valter Lang

Professor of Archaeology, University of Tartu and Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Scientific work

Articles (21)

Miina Norvik

Research Fellow in Finnic Languages, University of Tartu. Scientific work

Articles (1)

Sven-Erik Soosaar

Senior Lexicographer, Institute of the Estonian Language. Scientific work

Articles (1)

Anti Selart

Professor of Medieval History, University of Tartu and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

Articles (1)

Valter Lang

on Tartu Ülikooli arheoloogia professor ja Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia liige. Teadustööst.

Articles (21)

Miina Norvik

on Tartu Ülikooli läänemeresoome keelte teadur. Teadustööst.

Articles (1)

Sven-Erik Soosaar

on Eesti Keele Instituudi vanemleksikograaf. Teadustööst.

Articles (1)

Anti Selart

on Tartu Ülikooli keskaja professor ning humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkonna dekaan. Teadustööst.

Articles (1)

Mati Laur

on Tartu Ülikooli uusaja professor. Teadustööst.

Articles (1)

Aivar Kriiska

Профессор лабораторной археологии Тартуского университета. Научные

Articles (3)

Valter Lang

Профессор археологии Тартуского университета, член Эстонской академии наук. Научные труды

Articles (21)

Karl Pajusalu

Профессор диалектологии и истории эстонского языка, член Эстонской академии наук. Научные труды

Articles (3)